Monday, November 5, 2012

The Truth About What You Eat

If anyone wants the outright ugly truth about something very important to their life then watch the Documentary Food Inc. If I had the choice I may not go on eating after watching this film. This is the second time I have seen Food Inc. and both times it has made me immensely grateful that I was raised as and remain to this day a vegetarian. There are two main reasons for my choice of being a  vegetarian: the first is that I can't even imagine the idea of eating a dead animal and the second is that the meat production industry disturbs and terrifies me. This second issue is exactly what Food Inc. discusses and exposes in detail, but as disturbing as it was, I already knew about the terrors of the meat industry, so it was not very shocking. For me, the most shocking truth told in the film was about other foods such as corn and soy beans.

As a vegetarian, soy is a much bigger part of my diet and I have always seen it as a healthy and reasonable protein source. Food Inc. exposes though, that there is a type of genetically modifies soy bean that isn't effected by round up and that this is now almost the only soy bean available. One company owns all of the seeds for this soy bean and no farmer is aloud to keep their own seeds. I find it completely insane that one company can own all of the rights to such a large production. It is also the same with meat, there are just about four leading companies that control it all. 

As terrifying as this all is though, there are things that can be done and the film gives the viewer hope. The truth that most consumers don't understand is that they have all the control over what companies produce. Each purchase a person makes in the store is a vote for that product and that leaves many choices and opportunity for change. We can blame the corporations all we want, but no change will come unless each person puts in some effort. 

1 comment:

  1. I definetly agree with you, Eowyn. People need to become more aware of what they are putting into their bodies. However, I think for most Americans, they want to believe that the government is looking out for their best interests only to find out the food you are eating is probably not the best option? How do we fix that?
