Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

            I am a huge supporter of yours and I think that you have accomplished a lot in your first four years in office. I agree with almost all of the policies that you have put into place and the ideas you have for America. There is a lot more that I would like to learn though, about the specifics of your ideas. It is important that information is credible though. I recently watched the documentary Inside Job and learned some things that surprised me.
            When talking about your policies, the documentary says that in your campaign, you were very confident about economic reform. “Obama Pointed to Wall street greed and regulatory failures as examples of the need for change in America.” To me, this was very correct, because you have done a lot for the economy sense you have been in office. Next though, the film talked about what you did once you were in office and it didn’t sound good or right. According to the film, many of the people you appointed to office, had been very involved in the banks and Wall Street during the crash. For example, you appointed Timothy Geithner as treasury director. Geithner though, had been president of the New York Federal Reserve during the crisis and a key player in the decision to pay Goldman Sax 100 cents on the dollar for bets against mortgages.
            I trust the film on the fact that you appointed him, but I don’t trust the film in that they didn’t give a reason why you chose him. There must be a good reason behind the appointing of anyone. I would be very interested to learn some of the specific reasons behind why you appointed who you did. A decision may look bad from the outside, but can actually be good for hidden reasons. I want to know what those hidden reasons were.

Eowyn Lucas

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